To Readers
This book is a story of my journey from China to Canada and beyond. It tells the story of the path my family and I took to get to where we are today. In these pages, you will find details of all the challenges, barriers, and complications we faced; but also, details of all the blessings, triumphs, and victories we experienced.
Immigration is not easy. It is long and arduous. Adjusting is not easy, either. Our children overcame language barriers and cultural differences, slowly adapting and finding a balance between their native culture and the culture of our new home. But we've made it to a point where we pride ourselves on having dual identities, in which we are both Chinese and Canadian, in the truest sense of the word.
This book is a story rooted in family, love, determination, and success, and it is one I needed to share with the world, especially those who have embarked—or will embark—on a similar journey. You are not alone.
1st Feb.2023
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